If you have trouble uploading a file to your Hypeddit Download Gate, please check the troubleshooting tips, tricks and resources below.
If you are on our free ROOKIE plan, you can upload MP3 files up to 150MB per gate. If you are on our paid BASIC, PRO, or ELITE plan, then you can upload MP3, WAV, AIFF, or ZIP files up to 500MB per gate.
In most cases, an upload error is just caused by your browser acting up. That means if your file size and type is not the issue, here are some tips and tricks that should get this working for you :
- Please clear your browser cache
- Disable or remove any ad blocker or other security plugin in your browser. These plugins may block certain items from loading (or downloading) even though we don't have an ads on Hypeddit
- Double-check that java script is correctly enabled for your browser: http://enable-javascript.com
- Just try a different browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
If you still can't upload the file, please reach out to our support team. Just go to hypeddit.com and click on the Support/Contact options at the top of the page or in the footer of the page to send us a message.
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