If you have trouble downloading music from a Hypeddit Download Gate, please check the troubleshooting tips, tricks and resources below.
- Please clear your browser cache
- Disable or remove any ad blocker or other security plugin in your browser. These plugins may block certain items from loading - or downloading, even though we don't have ads on Hypeddit
- Double-check that java script is correctly enabled for your browser: http://enable-javascript.com
- Just try a different browser (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
- If you tried the download on your mobile device, please check the email you received with the download link so you can get the track on your desktop/laptop computer
If you still can't download the file, please reach out to our support team. Just go to hypeddit.com and click on the Support/Contact options at the top of the page or in the footer of the page to send us a message.
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