Your Hypeddit download gates automatically turn listeners of your music into real fans and followers on SoundCloud, Facebook, Youtube, Spotify and many other sites.
Hypeddit is a powerful grown engine - but like any engine, you need to give it fuel.
Your fuel for growth are listeners!
There are many ways to get more listeners, plays, likes and followers with Hypeddit. Simply login to Hypeddit and click on Promote Music
This is where you get our most important promo features:
- Fan Promotion: Get your music heard by thousands of music fans with our Fan Promotion feature. We put your music in the Spotlight on top of our Top 100 Charts and New releases pages. This is our most powerful promo tool. Check out this video to see how it works.
- Promotion Exchange: Trade free promotion of your download gates with other artists. Support the music of fellow artists, and get support for your music in return. Check out this video to see how it works. Check out this video to see how it works.
- Spotify Growth Engine: If you're looking to rapidly grow your music on Spotify with REAL fans, streams and listeners, check out this powerful program to launch an automated growth machine for Spotify.
- Promotion hacks, tips and tricks: Check out our blog's marketing section with lots of powerful tips and tricks to promote your music. Make sure to check out some of our must-read articles such as '3 proven steps to double the size of your fan base' or 'How to pick the best music promotion for your track'
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